I don’t know how to begin this letter except by saying that I know your head must be spinning. Nobody expects to have to plan a burial when you should be busy with all the little things a new baby entails. When joy turns to pain, expectation to a black pit in your stomach, it’s shocking, like jumping into an ice-cold lake on a hot day.
A father may not know how to do all the things a baby needs, but he knows how to provide for and protect his family, and when a tragedy like this strikes, it makes you feel like you’ve failed, even though there was nothing you could’ve done. It’s so natural to start questioning, wondering if there is something that you could have or should have done differently. You can’t listen to that, even though it may be somewhat comforting because it would give some sort of answer. Those questions just come from a mind and heart that are looking for sense amidst something that simply makes no sense. [Read more…]